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Blog - Drivers For Lenovo


How to resolve Internal Power Error BSOD when upgrading to Win 10

The guide for  How to resolve Internal Power Error BSOD when upgrading to Win 10     1. Enter Safe Mode (for detailed steps refer to Step 1-6 here) 7. Press Win+X and then select “Device Manager“. 8. Right-click “Display adapters/AMD Radeon R9 M275X” and then select “Properties“. Change to “Driver” tab and then click the Uninstall button. […]

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How to enter into safe mode by use IdeaPad Y40-70, Y40-80

How to enter into safe mode by use IdeaPad Y40-70, Y40-80   1. Power on and then press F8 to enter the WinRE screen as shown below. Select “See advanced repair options”. 2. Click “Choose an option” –> “Troubleshoot: Reset your PC or see advanced options“. 3. Click “Advanced options“. 4. Click “Startup Settings: Change […]

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Lenovo laptops’s display keeps flashing and no operation can be executed after upgrading to Windows 10

Lenovo laptops’s display keeps flashing and no operation can be executed after upgrading to Win 10   The issue may be caused by video adapter. System error report ran incorrectly. To solve this issue, please try the following: 1. Enter Safe Mode (for detailed steps refer to Step 1-6 here) 2. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete […]

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How to check Lenovo Computer’s BIOS version on Windows 7, 8 and 10

There are 2 ways to check Lenovo Computer’s BIOS version on Windows 7, 8 and 10   Using the Command Prompt in Windows Click Start menu, and type CMD in the search box, Select CMD. The command prompt windows appears, Type wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion. The string of letters and numbers following SMBBIOSBIOSVersion is your […]

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Understanding Firmware

Understanding Firmware and what is firmware Have you heard the words  firmware and never really understand what they meant? Learn about these important components so that you keep your computer up-to-date.   Firmware is the programming that delivers specific instructions to the hardware that tells your computer how it should run. We sometimes add features […]

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Understanding BIOS and UEFI

Understanding BIOS – Lenovo Device   Have you heard the words BIOS, UEFI and never really understand what they meant? Learn about these important components so that you keep your computer up-to-date.   BIOS and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) are two firmware interfaces for computers which work as an interpreter between the operating system […]

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